
Cooperation with the Institute of Educational Analytics Cooperation with the Institute of Educational Analytics
On October 9, 2023, the Institute for Digitalisation of Education NAES of Ukrainian and the Institute of Educational Analytics signed a cooperation agreement. Institutions determine the importance of scientific cooperation and innovative activities in education, strive to achieve effective implementation of the provisions of the "New Ukrainian School" Concept in the educational process, as well as modern digital technologies in scientific and educational activities.
10 November 2023

Dear colleagues, friends, teachers, professors, scientists! With faith in our peaceful future, life and work in independent Ukraine, we made the issue №5 (97) of the electronic professional journal "Information Technologies and Learning Tools". The issue consistently ranks the 1st in the Top 100 "Best publications - Ukrainian" according to Google Scholar, included in the Web of Science Core Collection - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), has a Q3 Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) in the Education & Educational Research category.
We want to present the works and professional achievements of Ukrainian and foreign researchers from Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Melitopil, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Spain, Saudi Arabia and the Slovak Republic to the world.
We dedicate this issue to the Independence of Ukraine. We dedicate this issue to intelligence, talent, strength and courage of our citizens. We will win. Glory to Ukraine!
31 October 2023

All-Ukrainian Informational and Educational Forum "STEM and FEM" All-Ukrainian Informational and Educational Forum "STEM and FEM"
On October 20, 2023, about 100 participants took part online in the All-Ukrainian Informational and Educational Forum "STEM and FEM". There was a discussion of the actual problems of women scientists in the realities of the war in Ukraine regarding their development, achievements and success; overcoming crisis situations and gender stereotypes; search for ways to popularize scientific activity among young people.
20 October 2023


The Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, as an associated partner of the DEEPINVENTHEI project which is implemented by an 18-member consortium ( with the support of the European Union, will participate in activities that will promote learning and start-ups in the field of high technology during May 2023 - July 2024.

The project programme includes the following components: "Training and Mentoring”, “Research-based Learning”, “Cooperation and Internships”, “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”.

16 October 2023

The 26th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2023) The 26th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2023)
On September 26-29, 2023, the 26th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2023) was held in Madrid. Employees of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine took part as speakers at this conference.
10 October 2023

Modern Information Technologies and Innovative Teaching Methods in the Training of Specialists Modern Information Technologies and Innovative Teaching Methods in the Training of Specialists
On October 3, 2023, the 16th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Information Technologies and Innovative Teaching Methods in the Training of Specialists” was held. Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine has been co-organized of the event. The conference participants were greeted by the director of the institute, Oleg Spirin, who delivered a speech "Digital transformation of educational environments: the place and role of pedagogical research."
3 October 2023

Dear colleagues, friends, teachers, professors, scientists! With faith in our peaceful future, life and work in independent Ukraine, we made the issue №4 (96) of the electronic professional journal "Information Technologies and Learning Tools". The issue consistently ranks the 1st in the Top 100 "Best publications - Ukrainian" according to Google Scholar, included in the Web of Science Core Collection - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI = 0,8), has a Q3 Journal Citation Indicator (JCI = 0,45) in the Education & Educational Research category, 2022.
We want to present the works and professional achievements of Ukrainian and foreign researchers from Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Zhytomyr, Irpin, Kyiv, Kryvyi Rih, Lviv, Lutsk, Poltava, Rivne, Cherkasy and foreign researchers from Spain, the Czech Republic, Germany, Tanzania and the Philippines.
30 September 2023

Obtaining a scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists - doctors of science Obtaining a scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists - doctors of science

The staff of the Institute of Digitalization of Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine congratulates Anna Yatsyshyn, a young scientist, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, senior researcher, leading researcher of the Department of Digital Transformation of the Academy of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Digitalization of Education of the Academy of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, deputy chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Academy of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, on receiving a scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2023 (Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated August 9, 2023 No. 3297-IX "On the appointment of named scholarships of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists - doctors of science in 2023").

27 September 2023

Implementing Solutions in Education with a Sense of Presence: the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Immersive Technologies in Education" Implementing Solutions in Education with a Sense of Presence: the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Immersive Technologies in Education"

The 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Immersive Technologies in Education" was held on September 22, 2023/ It was organized by the Department of Open Learning Environment Technologies of the Institute of Digitalization of Education of the NAES of Ukraine. Co-organizers and partners of the conference became the National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kraków Pedagogical University named after the National Education Commission, UiT Arctic University of Norway.

26 September 2023

All-Ukrainian Methodological Seminar for Young Scientists "Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Research" All-Ukrainian Methodological Seminar for Young Scientists "Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Research"
On September 26, 2023, All-Ukrainian Methodological Seminar for Young Scientists "Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Research" was held in the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine. As part of the Seminar, Doctoral students of the Institute made reports in which they presented the results of their dissertation research for the 2022-2023 academic year. 
26 September 2023

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3rd Workshop on Digital Transformation of Education (ICTERI 2024)

The Institute for Digitalisation of Education of NAES of Ukraine invites you to participate in the third English-language workshop on DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATION (DigiTransfEd 2024). The seminar is peer-reviewed and will be held in a hybrid format on 09/23/2024 as part of ICTERI 2024.
The theme of DigiTransfEd 2024 is related to the ICTERI 2024 Track 3: ICT Applications in Academia & Industry: ICT solutions for competence design and development / ICT development to support technology-enhanced teaching and learning, including life-long learning / ICT solutions for quality assurance in education and education management / Novel ICT infrastructures, tools, and environments for research, cooperation, and knowledge transfer.
The deadline for submission of papers is 07/29/2024.

The best papers of last year's DigiTransfEd 2023 are indexed in Scopus:

All-Ukrainian Methodological Seminar for Young Scientists "Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Research"

On June, 24, 2024, All-Ukrainian Methodological Seminar for Young Scientists "Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Research" will held in the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine. As part of the seminar, the doctoral students and the postgraduate students of the Institute report on the progress and results of their dissertation research.
The seminar will held in a remote format.

Registration for the online course "Peer review in the age of open science: new challenges and opportunities"

We invite you to participate in the new online course "Peer review in the age of open science: new challenges and opportunities"

Why should you join?

In a world where open access to scientific data and research results is becoming the norm, the role of the reviewer is taking on new significance. This course will help you:

  • Understand the concept of open science: learn how it impacts the peer review process and how to apply its principles to improve the quality of scientific publications;
  • Master the latest tools and methods: get acquainted with digital platforms and innovative technologies that simplify the peer review process and make it more transparent;
  • Develop peer review skills: learn to provide constructive feedback, analyze scientific articles and other materials in an open access environment;
  • Learn about ethical aspects and challenges: explore issues of confidentiality, transparency, and objectivity in the modern scientific environment.


The IX International Workshop Life-Long Learning using ICT: Person-oriented Approach (3L-Person) in the series of workshop under this title continues topics set in 2016 with new sub-topics accordingly to new challenges in the field of education (such as “Synthetic learning environment: AR/VR/MR, AI in education, etc.” since 2020). The main idea of the series is ICTs’ creation-development-implementation at stages Academia → Education/Training → Industry. The quick transfer of the world to remote education and work has led to appearance of the hybrid workforce and needs of the further Human-System-Integration (HSI), where the ”System” means an education system, first of all. HSI in education is considered as a mutual adaptation of a human and ICT for K16 + re-skilling during the whole human active life.

The National Research Fund of Ukraine Competitions

In December 2023, the Scientific Council of NRFU approved the terms of the competitions: "Research Infrastructures for Conducting Advanced Scientific Research", "Science for Strengthening the Defense Capability of Ukraine", "Advanced Science in Ukraine".
Project selection begins. The winners will receive grant support for conducting fundamental and practical scientific research for development of the national research space and its integration into the world research space.