
Training for teachers. Effective use of ICT Training for teachers. Effective use of ICT
January 2016. Nina P. Dementiyevska researcher of Department of Technologies of Open Learning Environment Institute of Information Technologies and Learning tools of NAES of Ukraine was carried series of training sessions for teachers. Effective use of ICT in the educational project activities training was was held in gymnasium "Troyeshchina", Kyiv. Development and evaluation skills of critical evaluation of the internet resources and safe and responsible use of the internet and social networks training was held in school №1, Kyiv.
31 January 2016

Training for students-finalists Ukrainian contest ISEF-TECHNO Training for students-finalists Ukrainian contest ISEF-TECHNO
January 28, 2016. The training of effectively create presentations and presentation skills development was carried for students-finalists Ukrainian contest ISEF-TECHNO. The researcher of Department of Technologies of Open Learning Environment Institute of Information Technologies and Learning tools of NAES of Ukraine was carried the event. The training took place in NNTU “CPI” ( Kyiv).
28 January 2016

Ukrainian teachers and researchers in the International Educational Community EdCamp Ukrainian teachers and researchers in the International Educational Community EdCamp
January 23, 2016 in Odessa. Regular regional "(un) conference" International Educational Community EdCamp was held. Ukraine joined to EdCamp in 2015. During the event, researcher of Department of Technologies of Open Learning Environment Institute of Information Technologies and Learning tools of NAES of Ukraine was carried a lecture with elements of training " Development of skills of the safe and responsible using the internet". Through such activities results of our research become useful for teachers today.
23 January 2016

All-Ukrainian Seminar for Postgraduates.  "Information and communication technologies in education and research" All-Ukrainian Seminar for Postgraduates. "Information and communication technologies in education and research"
January 21, 2016. All-Ukrainian Seminar for Postgraduates "Information and communication technologies in education and research" was held in the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine.
21 January 2016

All-Ukrainian Seminar “Systems of Learning and Education in Computer Oriented Environment” All-Ukrainian Seminar “Systems of Learning and Education in Computer Oriented Environment”
January 18, 2016. All-Ukrainian Seminar “Systems of Learning and Education in Computer Oriented Environment” " was held in the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine.
18 January 2016

The round table "The concept of basic education in the context of the reform of secondary education" The round table "The concept of basic education in the context of the reform of secondary education"
December 17 the Ministry of Education and Science held the round table "The concept of basic education in the context of the secondary education reform." An important topic was the subject of healthy nutrition and the healthy life style in the primary school educational curricula. With the support of the "Three dairy products per day", carried out by the European Business Association the agenda was aimed at the discussion of measures that primary school teachers conducted on the topic "Milk and milk products." 
17 December 2015

III All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Scientific Youth III All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Scientific Youth

December 10, 2015 was carried III All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Scientific Youth 2015". Venue: Institute of Information Technologies and Learning tools of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv.

10 December 2015

Training seminar on driving academy digital library Training seminar on driving academy digital library
12.11.2015. In the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning tools of NAES of Ukraine held training seminar "Doing Digital Library of the Academy: Statistical Processing Features Information Resources." The event which have joined members rof scientific institutions NAES of Ukraine deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of electronic library.
12 November 2015

The annual scientific-practical conference "Multimedia technology in education and other areas" The annual scientific-practical conference "Multimedia technology in education and other areas"
11-12 November, 2015 a scientific-practical conference "Multimedia Technologies in Education and other Areas" held. Event was organized by the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine and Department of Computer and Multimedia Technology of Education and Research Institute of Computer Information Technologies of the National Aviation University.
12 November 2015

Develop training programs and the organization of PhD doctoral training in the context of the modernization of higher education under the Bologna process Develop training programs and the organization of PhD doctoral training in the context of the modernization of higher education under the Bologna process

November 11, 2015 took place Round Table «development programs for PhD and organization of doctoral training in the context of the modernization of higher education under the Bologna» (Development PHD programs and organization of Doctoral Studies in the context of Modernization of Higher Education System in line with Bologna Process) , conducted jointly with the National Erasmus + office in Ukraine, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" with the support Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture, EASEA (Brussels, Belgium), the EU Delegation to Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

11 November 2015

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3rd Workshop on Digital Transformation of Education (ICTERI 2024)

The Institute for Digitalisation of Education of NAES of Ukraine invites you to participate in the third English-language workshop on DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATION (DigiTransfEd 2024). The seminar is peer-reviewed and will be held in a hybrid format on 09/23/2024 as part of ICTERI 2024.
The theme of DigiTransfEd 2024 is related to the ICTERI 2024 Track 3: ICT Applications in Academia & Industry: ICT solutions for competence design and development / ICT development to support technology-enhanced teaching and learning, including life-long learning / ICT solutions for quality assurance in education and education management / Novel ICT infrastructures, tools, and environments for research, cooperation, and knowledge transfer.
The deadline for submission of papers is 07/29/2024.

The best papers of last year's DigiTransfEd 2023 are indexed in Scopus:

All-Ukrainian Competition of Professional Pre-Graduate Education Institutions for the Best Website

he Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, together with the Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Higher Education, announce the All-Ukrainian Competition of Professional
Pre-Graduate Education I
nstitutions for the Best Website
"EDUCATION WEBSITE 2024". Olha Pinchuk, deputy director of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, became a member of the competition commission. The competition is held once every four years. The start of the сompetition is October 1, 2024.


The IX International Workshop Life-Long Learning using ICT: Person-oriented Approach (3L-Person) in the series of workshop under this title continues topics set in 2016 with new sub-topics accordingly to new challenges in the field of education (such as “Synthetic learning environment: AR/VR/MR, AI in education, etc.” since 2020). The main idea of the series is ICTs’ creation-development-implementation at stages Academia → Education/Training → Industry. The quick transfer of the world to remote education and work has led to appearance of the hybrid workforce and needs of the further Human-System-Integration (HSI), where the ”System” means an education system, first of all. HSI in education is considered as a mutual adaptation of a human and ICT for K16 + re-skilling during the whole human active life.

The National Research Fund of Ukraine Competitions

In December 2023, the Scientific Council of NRFU approved the terms of the competitions: "Research Infrastructures for Conducting Advanced Scientific Research", "Science for Strengthening the Defense Capability of Ukraine", "Advanced Science in Ukraine".
Project selection begins. The winners will receive grant support for conducting fundamental and practical scientific research for development of the national research space and its integration into the world research space.