History and Nowadays
The Institute for Digitalisation of Education of NAES of Ukraine established June 16, 1999 by the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from June 7, 1999 (¹ 988).
The Institute is the main institution of information technologies of the NAES of Ukraine and is a leading scientific institution in the educational system of Ukraine, whose mission is to conduct basic and applied research to address current theoretical and methodological, and scientific-methodological problems of development, implementation and use of software and hardware training and ICT in education.
Since its’ foundation the director of the Institute is Valery Y. Bykov, PhD, Doctor of Tech. Sciences, professor, Member of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology.
The Institute actively participates in the development and implementation of state documents on education development, creating public programs, including the National Education Development Doctrine Ukraine in the XXI century, National report on the prospects of development of education in Ukraine, the White Book of National Education of Ukraine, of the National programs to improve the quality of school Natural Sciences and Mathematics Education until 2015, the Cooperative of Education of Ukraine and NAES of Ukraine, the Integrated Programme for secondary, vocational and higher educational institutions with modern technical facilities of natural and mathematical sciences, the State Program "Information and communication technologies in education and science", National Project "Open World". As part of the team of scientists of the Institute are prominent scholars - Member NAES Ukraine V.Yu.Bykov, A.M. Gourzhiy, V.V.Oliynyk and others.
Materials from numerous scientific and methodological support of informatization and computerization processes of education, creation of new means of teaching different subjects for schools of all types and levels of accreditation are introduced in educational practice. Electronic educational resources (sites, portals, distance learning courses, etc.) are developed in the Institute.
An important component of the Institutes’ work is to organize experimental activities carried out on the basis of general, vocational, school educational institutions, joint labs with universities of Ukraine with the support and cooperation with educational and scientific institutions.
Joint research laboratories with the Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University of M.Kotsiubynskyi, Kherson State University, Kryvyi Rih National University, Ternopil National Pedagogical University of V. Hnatiuk Within are created under the agreements of cooperation and research as well as with the Research Center of educational and scientific Tools if Applied Physics Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Physics and Mathematics KSPU of V.Vynnychenko since 2005. All these institutions are the partners, co-founders and coordinators of the joint research. Active cooperation is held with the Science Center of Learning Tools for Schools based in KSPU of V.Vynnychenko. International schientific cooperation and experience exchange, joint publications, scientific events are held with Comenius University (Bratislava, Slovakia), Copenhagen University (Copenhagen, Denmark); University of city Kielce (Poland). The Institute cooperates with leading companies in the field of information technologies such as Microsoft, Intel, Oracle, Cisco, VMware and others.
Among the achievements of the Institute, in particular, are: organization of the annual Internet competition "Teacher-innovator" within the common programme "Microsoft Ukraine" (2004-2011), participation in the project of Ukrainian network segment of Internet project “Partners of Education”, launching and release of Information Digest devoted to the actual events on education innovations, implementation of ICT in education in Ukraine and abroad (since 2001); creation of Innovations in education Catalogue that highlights new projects and educational innovations (from 2013); providing the annual All-Ukrainian competition for students "Youth testing quality", development of the model typical digital library as part of a network of digital libraries of the NAES of Ukraine; creation of the conceptual prototype of Library of the NAES of Ukraine software system using the EPrints (http://lib.iitta.gov.ua); development of the justification of pedagogical preconditions for implementation of electronic libraries network for NAES institutions; development of the guidance on the use of EPrints in research activities and training programs for librarians and researchers for e-library, etc.
The Institute provides technical support for servers, particularly the domain iitta.gov.ua, iitlt.gov.ua; support for the e-library of the NAES of Ukraine (lib.iitta.gov.ua), of server electronic issue "Information technologies and training tools” (journal.iitta.gov.ua), web-portal "Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools” (iitlt.gov.ua); connection to the Ukrainian scientific and educational network "Uranus"; installation of software for general use, programming systems, antivirus and other programs in the departments of the Institute; conducts preventive maintenance of PC, repairs of PC units; supports connectivity, configuration and operational support wireless LAN segment based on WI-FI technology.
A number of electronic educational resources supporting scientific psychological and educational research are implemented by the Institute within the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Informatization program, in particular, electronic library of NAES of Ukraine (lib.iitta.gov.ua); electronic issue "Information Technologies and Means of Education" (platform OJS (journal.iitta.gov.ua) with the highest citation index among domestic professional publications in the field of educational sciences; a model of typical site research institutions; information system "Research"; approaches to using open web-oriented systems monitor the implementation of scientific and educational research are suggested.
The Institute is the winner of numerous annual exhibitions’ competitions presentations "Innovative educational technologies", "Innovation in Education of Ukraine" and "Modern education" and awarded with diplomas as well as gold and bronze medals.
The Institute is an initiator of opening new of PhD specialty 13.00.10 - Information and Communication Technologies in Education. In 2010 the Institution for the first time in Ukraine launched the postgraduate course of this specialty.
To improve the quality of the training and certification of scientific and pedagogical staff there were initiated a number of ongoing activities:
- All-Ukrainian methodological seminar for young scientists "Information and communication technologies in education and research";
- All-Ukrainian scientific seminar "System of training and education in computer-oriented environment."
After Institute’s restructuring in 2015 the scientific staff consists of six departments, namely: The Cloud-Âased Systems of ICT in Education Department, Department of Computer Oriented Learning Tools, Department of Open Learning Environment Technologies, Department of Open Education and Scientific Information Systems, Department of Network Technologies and Databases, Comparative Studies Department for Information and Education Innovations.