«Human Systems Integration Approach to Cybersecurity» (2015-2019)
In 2015, the NATO Scientific and Technical Organization Research Task Group HFM-259 was established to implement the project “Human-System Integration Approach to Cybersecurity” (2015-2019). In July 2015, Oleksandr Burov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, from the Institute for Digitalization of Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, joined the project team members. The project partners are leading experts from Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine, and the USA. The project was headed by experts from Bulgaria and the Netherlands.
Project goal: To promote further cooperative human-centered research activities in NATO framework on the complex phenomenon of cyber security as a system covering diverse dimensions such as psycho-social, cultural, organizational processes, technology and software.
The scientific activities of the project are aimed at generalizing existing and developing new ones:
- Approaches to improve selection, education, training and retention of a cyber force (IT experts).
- Approaches to improve cyber awareness of all defence personnel.
- Methods, techniques and tools to bridge the gap between the cyber force and the operational community in terms of perceptions of cyber threat, procedures and practices for prevention.
- Techniques to enhance organizational resilience to cyber attacks.
- Methods to improve control behaviour via cyber security policies and targeted Education and Training (E&T).
- Identification of the specific characteristics of a malicious insider’s behaviour and methods or tools to identify this potential threat.
- Definition of the role of the military commanders to mitigate cyber threat.
The goal and areas of activity correspond to the official project description.