About Council of Young Scientists

Council of Young Scientists of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of NAES of Ukraine began the activities in 2012. The Proclamation Declaring the establishment of the Council was made at the meeting of the postgraduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of the Institute. The Council has officially begun its work from 2016, when its functioning was approved and introduced into the updated Statute of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and the the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of of NAES of Ukraine.

The purpose of the Council is to enhance and promote the professional growth of young scientists the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of NAES of Ukraine, uniting their efforts to develop relevant scientific issues and address priority scientific tasks, to develop innovative activities of young scientists, and to involve them into outreach of the latest achievement of science, its promotion, and also, representation, protection and realization of the rights and interests of young scientists.