An article by Mariya Shishkina and Valentyna Kovalenko was published in the Herald of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine No. 6(2) of 2024. The article highlights the results of scientific research of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in secondary education. It is emphasized that since 2024, the study of AI has intensified due to global trends and international initiatives, including the adoption of the AI Act in the EU. The influence of AI on education, its possibilities in creating an open educational environment that promotes individualization, personalization and activation of learning processes, development of creative potential of those who study. Particular attention is paid to the development of methods for introducing AI for the professional development of teachers, as well as the need to form their digital competence. The article summarizes the main research results, in particular, the analysis and generalization of domestic and foreign experience of teachers using artificial intelligence services, clarifying the concept of “artificial intelligence”, definition of tools and services for the formation of an open educational environment with AI elements, their advantages and disadvantages, analysis of ways of using open science cloud services, in particular, the services of the European open science cloud as part of this environment, substantiation of the model of this environment, providing methodological recommendations for its application.
Publication in the Herald of the NAES of Ukraine