On November 21, 2024, as part of the program of the Second Online School “Digital Technologies in Scientific Research”, Valentyna Kovalenko, PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, senior researcher, leading scientific associate of the department of cloud-oriented systems and artificial intelligence in education of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences… Continue reading Artificial Intelligence Helps Create Presentations
Author: Serg
Implementation of the Results of Scientific Research on the use of AI Technologies
On November 14, 2024, Valentina Kovalenko, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, leading researcher of the department of cloud-oriented systems and artificial intelligence in education of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine held an open scientific and practical seminar. On the basis of the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and… Continue reading Implementation of the Results of Scientific Research on the use of AI Technologies
Multimedia Technologies in Education and other Spheres of Activity
November 6, 2024 the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Multimedia Technologies in Education and Other Spheres of Activity” – “Multimedia Technologies in Education and Other Spheres of Activity” (MTESA 2024) was held on the basis of the National Aviation University. The event was attended by representatives of leading universities and scientific institutions of Ukraine,… Continue reading Multimedia Technologies in Education and other Spheres of Activity
Scientific and Practical Seminar
November 8, 2024 scientific and practical seminar “Science for Peace and Development: Challenges of Modernity” was held. The event is dedicated to the World Science Day in the Name of Peace and Development. The participants of the seminar were representatives of institutions of higher education and vocational pre-higher education, scientific institutions, students of education, representatives… Continue reading Scientific and Practical Seminar
Online forum
November 12, 2024. The 6th All-Ukrainian open scientific and practical online forum “Innovative Transformations in Modern Education: Challenges, Realities, Strategies” was held. The Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine organised the scientific panel “Information and digital environments of educational institutions: transformation, security, impact of AI”, during which the participants presented their… Continue reading Online forum
Training Сourse for Post Graduate Students and Young Scientists “Researcher’s Toolkit”
Запрошуємо аспірантів та молодих учених університетів і наукових установ на безкоштовну навчальну програму «Інструментарій дослідника», що допоможе розвинути дослідницькі навички, оволодіти новими сучасними інструментами пошуку даних, їх опрацювання та презентації отриманих наукових результатів із дотриманням принципів відкритої науки та академічної доброчесності. Термін проведення: 25-30 листопада 2024 року Обсяг: 30 годин/1 кредиту ЄКТС Умови участі: безоплатно… Continue reading Training Сourse for Post Graduate Students and Young Scientists “Researcher’s Toolkit”
Publication in the Herald of the NAES of Ukraine
An article by Mariya Shishkina and Valentyna Kovalenko was published in the Herald of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine No. 6(2) of 2024. The article highlights the results of scientific research of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in secondary education.… Continue reading Publication in the Herald of the NAES of Ukraine
The IInd online school “Digital Technologies in Scientific Research”
We invite you to join the IInd online school!
The 2nd online school “Digital Technologies in Scientific Research” is conducted with the aim of increasing the level of digital competence and competence in open science for scientists, scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students and doctoral students.
The online school program consists of 3 modules and provides 90 hours (3 ECTS credits). Lectures and training sessions using the zoom platform are planned.
Duration of the II online school: 12.11.2024-12.12.2024.
Deadline for registration: November 9, 2024.
Seminar “Formation of National Consensus on Open Science”
28 жовтня 2024 року співробітники ІЦО НАПН України взяли участь у семінарі з формування національного консенсусу щодо відкритої науки проєкту Open4UA. Присутні жваво дискутували про право вторинної публікації, інституційний інструментарій вдосконалення оцінювання досліджень, використання рейтингів науково-дослідних організацій під час оцінювання результатів досліджень та інші проблемні питання впровадження принципів відкритої науки.
Dear colleagues, friends, teachers, professors, scientists! With faith in our peaceful future, life and work in independent Ukraine, we made the issue №5 (103) of the electronic professional journal “Information Technologies and Learning Tools” https://doi.org/10.33407/itlt.v103i5 The issue consistently ranks 1st in the Top 100 “Best publications – Ukrainian” according to Google Scholar, included in the… Continue reading ISSUE №5 (103) OF THE ELECTRONIC PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND LEARNING TOOLS”