Department of Technologies of Open Learning Environment was created in 2001 (department of learning environment research and design) . Yuriy Bohachkov, PhD (in Technical Sciences) was an organisor and researches coordinator of the Department till 2010. From 2010 till the present the head of the Department is Pinchuk Olga Pavlovna (PhD, senior researcher). Doctors of sciences, PhDs, professors and senior researchers are working in the team of the Department.
Innovative activity of the Department is aimed at the development and use the means of information and communication technologies in the educational process of secondary school. Great attention is paid to the researches of distance learning and distance support of full-time learning.
Yuliya G. Nosenko Position: Head of the Department Academic status: Senior Researcher Degree: PhD (in Pedagogics) E-mail: |
Alisa S. Sukhikh Position: Senior Researcher Degree: PhD (in Pedagogics) E-mail: |
Oleksandr Yu. Burov Position: Leading Researcher Academic status: Senior Researcher Degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences E-mail: |
Svitlana G. Lytvynova Position: Senior Researcher Academic status: Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAES of Ukraine Degree: PhS (in Education) E-mail: |
Oleksandra M. Sokolyuk Position: Senior Researcher Academic status: Senior Researcher Degree: PhD (in Pedagogics) E-mail: |
Olga V. Slobodyanyk Position: Senior Researcher Degree: PhD (in Pedagogics) E-mail: |
Yuriy M. Bohachkov Position: Senior Researcher Academic status: Senior Researcher Degree: PhD (Technical Sciences) E-mail: |
Pavlo S. Ukhan Position: Senior Researcher Degree: PhD (in Pedagogics) E-mail: |
Honors and awards
- Medal “Human factor” of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences on scientific achievements (O. Burov, 2008)
- First-degree diploma of NAES of Ukraine in the contest for the best scientific development (Pinchuk O.P., 2010)
- Honorary Diploma of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (O. Burov, 2011)
- Honorary Diploma of the exhibition-presentation “Innovation in modern education” for active participation in developing and implementing of educational innovations (Bohachkov Yu., Wuhan P., Konevschynska O., Pinchuk O., 2011)
- Thanks of Ministry of National Education of Poland, the Center for the Development of Education in Poland for the organization of session “Examples of good practice in gifted education – selected aspects” at the International Conference “System strategies in teaching gifted students – the path to the future of education” (O. Burov, 2012)
- Honorary Diploma of NAES of Ukraine for fruitful scientific and educational activities, contribution to the development of science (O. Burov, 2013)
- Diploma of NAES of Ukraine for considerable personal contribution to the development and implementation of distance learning technologies in CEI of Ukraine (Bohachkov Yu., Konevschynska O., Pinchuk O., 2014).
- Diploma of the second degree of NAES of Ukraine in the contest for the best scientific work in the category “Best monograph” (Bohachkov Yu., Bykov V., Pinchuk O., Burov O., Konevschynska O., 2015 )