Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems and Artificial Intelligenice in Education was organised within the structure of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine) in 2015 at the base of former Department of Educational Institutions Informatisation that existed during the 2001-2014.
The main task of the Department is to carry out fundamental and applied researches aimed at solving the current theoretical and methodological problems of development, implementation and use of cloud-oriented tools and technologies in educational institutions.
Mariya P. Shyshkina Position: Head of the Departmant Academic status: Senior Researcher Degree: Doctor of Education E-mail: |
Viacheslav V. Osadchyi Position: Leading Researcher Academic status: Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAES of Ukraine Degree: DrS (in Education) E-mail: |
Serhii O. Semerikov Position: Leading Researcher Academic status: Professor Degree: DrS (in Education) E-mail: |
Anna V. Yatsyshyn Position: Leading Researcher Academic status: Senior Researcher Degree: DrS (in Education) E-mail: |
Valentyna V. Kovalenko Position: Leading Researcher Academic status: Senior Researcher Degree: PhD (in Pedagogics) E-mail: |
Olena O. Hrybiuk Position: Leading Researcher Academic status: Senior Researcher Degree: PhD (in Pedagogics) E-mail: |
Maiia V. Marienko Position: Leading Researcher Academic status: Senior Researcher Degree: DrS (in Education) E-mail: |
Alina V. Bruyaka Position: Junior Researcher E-mail: |
Serhii Tukalo Position: Junior Researcher Degree: PhD (in Pedagogics) E-mail: |
Honors and awards
- Award “Excellence in capital education” (Litvinova S., 2008).
- Medal “Labor Glory” (Litvinova S., 2012).
- Honorary Diploma of the exhibition-presentation “Innovation in Modern Education” for fruitful work on educational innovations introduction (Shyshkina M., Nosenko Y., 2012).
- Honorary Diploma of the exhibition “Modern Education in Ukraine” (Shyshkina M., 2012) for fruitful scientific and educational activities in innovative modernization of education.
- Diploma of NAES of Ukraine for contribution to the development of science and education, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity, high professionalism, hard work (Nosenko Y., 2014).
- Diploma of NAES of Ukraine for contribution to the study and implementation of innovative information technology and learning tools in education (Shyshkina M., Nosenko Y., 2014).
- Diploma of the third degree of the annual academic competition of the National Academy of Educational Siencies of Ukraine for the monograph “Modeling and integration of cloud-based learning environment services” (Lytvinova S.G, Nosenko Y.G, Shyshkina M.P, 2016).
- Scholarship of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (Shyshkina M. (2001-2002), Nosenko Y. (2012-2013), Marienko M. (2018-2020)).
- Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists 2019 ( Marienko M.)
- Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists 2017 ( Striuk A.)
- Award “People’s recognitionfor ukrainian scientists 1918-2018”, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the NAS of Ukraine (Shyshkina, 2019).