the all-Ukrainian round table "Digital Educational Content in the Educational Process: State, Problems, Prospects"

the all-Ukrainian round table "Digital Educational Content in the Educational Process: State, Problems, Prospects"
On March 22, 2023, the all-Ukrainian round table "Digital Educational Content in the Educational Process: State, Problems, Prospects" was held. More than 1,500 teachers registered in the event. The round table was broadcast on ZOOM and YouTube.
During the round table, a number of issues were raised regarding the improvement of the regulatory framework related to the use of digital content in institutions of general secondary education; willingness of teachers and students to use innovative content; the development of digital content by publishing houses is presented and suggestions from users regarding the development of such content in Ukraine are summarized.
Reports were made at the event:
  • Lytvynova S.H., acting director of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine: "Readiness of Teachers and Students to Use Digital Educational Content in the Educational Process";
  • Kosyk V.M., project manager of the reform support team of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine: "Interactive Electronic Supplement to the Textbook - a Requirement of the Law on Education or a Necessity?";
  • Halehova O.V., head of the department of digital educational and scientific systems of State Scientific Institution "Institute of Education Content Modernization";
  • Rogozhina V.V., coordinator of the scientific-methodological project "Quality of Education" LLC "Education Publishing House": "Effective Digital Textbook Supplement: the Path From the Developer to the Teacher";
  • Smoliy A.O., head of the department of communication and educational initiatives, curator of educational projects: "Digital Educational Applications with Augmented Reality as an Electronic Supplement to the Textbook";
  • Kokhan O.V., director of ROZUMNYKY PUBLISHING LLC: "Electronic Textbooks for Secondary Education: New Concept and Approaches";
  • Halko D.B., trainer of educational projects of the EdPro company, Diamond mozaLearn ICT Expert: "Enrichment of Electronic Textbooks with Additional and Virtual Reality";
  • Orlov O.V., deputy director for scientific work of the Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine: "Content for Students with Special Needs";
  • Kornienko M.M., representative of RANOK publishing house, author of textbooks: "Innovative Trends in Printed Textbooks - Digital Applications."


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