
Быков.jpgHead of Academic Council  Valery Bykov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the NAES of Ukraine, Director of IDE of NAES of Ukraine.
+38 (044) 453-90-51

Deputy Head of Academic Council  Oleg Spirin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Science IITLT NAES of Ukraine.

Tel. +38 (044) 467-03-45.


Scientific Secretary of Academic Council  Olga E. KonevschynskaPhD (pedagogical sciences), Senior Researcher

Contacts: +38 (044) 440-55-07konevshchynska@iitlt.gov.ua
Statute of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine

Academic Council of the Institute
6.1. For peer review of the main issues of research and certification activities in the Institute created and operates the Scientific Council of the Institute, which decides and makes recommendations within its competence, defined by this Charter.

6.2. Chairman of the Scientific Council is ex officio Director of the Institute, Deputy Chairman - Deputy Director of the Institute (research and experimental) of the Secretary - Scientific Secretary of the Institute.

6.3. The number of members of the Academic Council is determined by the general meeting (conference) team of researchers of the Institute by open vote and is at least 17 persons. The group, in addition to the Director of the Institute, are ex officio deputy (deputies) Director of the Institute (research and experimental) and Scientific Secretary of the Institute. By order of the director of the Academic Council of the Institute to be included other employees of the Institute in an amount that, together with persons who are part of the Academic Council ex officio, less than ¼ of it. The composition of the Scientific Council may also include academicians, corresponding members and other leading scientists, practitioners and managers of education that do not work at the Institute.

6.4. Members of the Academic Council (except those that are part of the orders of the Director of the Institute) are elected for the period of office of the director general meeting (conference) team of researchers of the Institute by secret ballot by a majority vote. The personal composition of the Scientific Council Presidium approved NAES Ukraine.

6.5. Academic Council:

  • discusses the major scientific, practical problems, and other issues relating to the activities of the Institute, considers strategic the creation, development and introduction of training and information technology in education, the prospects of the Institute;
  • identifies promising areas of scientific and technical activities of the Institute;
  • conducts scientific and scientific and technical evaluation of subjects and the results of scientific research;
  • review and approve the plans of current research, reports on research work performed in units of the Institute and of chief reports;
  • consider issues related to the preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff through postgraduate and doctoral studies;
  • approves topics of theses of graduate students, doctoral candidates and appoint supervisors (consultants);
  • considering training, retraining and advanced training of employees of the Institute;
  • approves the appraisal results of researchers of the Institute;
  • selects and approves in due course heads of departments, researchers for the vacant position or a new term;
  • discusses and decides on improving the structure of the Institute, its functions, creation of new units, other measures of development;
  • considering the establishment of production and scientific professional and other publications, creation of specialized scientific councils for thesis defense in the manner prescribed by law;
  • discusses and approves conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars and other scientific and methodical activities;
  • recommends to the planned publication of scientific and educational work of the Institute, as well as unplanned work to the recommendation issued by the Institute;
  • considers manuscripts textbooks, other educational literature, submit proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, to provide an appropriate marking ministries;
  • in due course put forward the scientific work of the Institute and candidates and other employees to represent to the state awards, celebrating awards, scholarships, other forms of moral and material incentives;
  • decides on assignment in due course academic status of senior researcher, professor, honorary titles;
  • nominate candidates for the election of full members, associate members of NAES of Ukraine, other domestic and foreign academies of science;
  • considers and adopts the decision to grant creative holidays researchers of the Institute in accordance with applicable law.

6.6. The Scientific Council is competent in deciding if the meeting is attended by at least two-thirds of its members. The decision of the Academic Council is adopted if it receives at least half the board members who took part in the meeting. Decisions are taken by secret or open ballot. Type of voting (open or secret) from an issue establishes the Scientific Council. The decision of the Academic Council shall take effect after the signing of the minutes of the director of the Institute. By separate decisions of the Academic Council Director of issuing appropriate orders.

6.7. The Scientific Council meets in the terms defined by the Director, but at least once a month. The Council is planned for the year.