Results of Scientific Activity- for Practical Education

Tasks and Fields of Activity

  • exercise of theoretical and experimental studies on creating and use means of training and ICT in the educational process of all types of education establishments;

  • development of technical conditions, pedagogical standards, certification of learning methods means, devices, equipment and facilities, information and technology of education communications;
  • engineering and pedagogical design of support system of the educational information environment of Ukraine, including virtual systems of distance learning education;
  • coordination of scientific, designing manufacturing activity and its’ use for creating ICT means for training;
  • preparation of higher qualification staff through post-graduate doctoral training and post-graduate studies of scientists and educators on ICT;
  • organization and conducting research and scientific conferences, seminars, symposiums, preparation of scientific-methodological research and electronic publications, etc.

Participation in projects


The project "Sustainability and capacity of internationalization for the purpose of modernization of higher education for debutants from Eastern Partnership countries" (SIN-NEC-101129029), 2024-2026 within the framework of ERASMUS+ projects under the direction of CBHE.

DEEP-INVENTHEI project from EIT HEI and associated partnership with the Business and Innovation Network BIN@

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has launched a new programme to stimulate innovation in higher education institutions (HEIs). The goal for 2021-2027 is to increase the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity of the European higher education sector by promoting and supporting institutional change in higher education institutions, integrating them into innovation ecosystems, and actively promoting DeepTech ideas.

The Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine is involved in the DEEPINVENTHEI project, which is supported by the European Union and aims to create an international network of innovations for talented young people, promote their education and startups in the field of high technology.

The DEEPINVENTHEI project is proposed by a consortium of 18 participants - 11 partners and 7 associated partners (

EIT is an EU body and an integral part of Horizon Europe, the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

In November 2022, the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine joined the EDUPORT project "V4 Educational Academic Portal for Integrating IT into Education" funded by Visegrad Fund, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava acts as project coordinator. The project partners are 5 scientific and educational institutions from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Ukraine.



International Scientific Conference «ICT in education, research and industrial applications: integration, harmonization and knowledge transfer » (ICTERI) 

International scientific conference «MoodleMoot Ukraine. Theory and practice of learning management system Moodle» 

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science and Technology" (ITONT) 

Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Multimedia technologies in education and other spheres of activity" 

International scientific and practical conference "Digital competence of the New Ukrainian School teacher" 

International scientific and practical conference "Pedagogical comparative studies and international education" 

All-Ukrainian Seminar “Systems of Learning and Education in Computer Oriented Environment”

International scientific-methodical Online Seminar «Cloud Technologies in Education» ('CTE')

All-Ukrainian scientific and methodological seminar "Systems of training and education in a computer-oriented environment"

Scientists of the Institute annually participate in more than 100 scientific events in Ukraine and abroad. The Institute is co-founder of more than 10 conferences and scientific seminars, most of which - international, in particular, ICTERI (International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications), MoodleMoot Ukraine, International Internet Workshop «Cloud Technologies in Education» and others. Training courses for teachers, researchers and teaching staff regularly held.

Announcements about educational trainings are published on the official website and on the pages of the Institute in social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn ) .

Our publications and collections


“Information Technologies and Learning Tools” is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal in the educational sphere, published full-text article online with immediate open-access. Journal has been based on the platform Open Journal Systems. Founders: Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine; University of Management in Education of the NAES of Ukraine. Founded: 2006, publication frequency: 6 issues a year. The journal is included in the Web of Science Core Collection - Emerging SourcesCitation Index (ESCI), JIF = 0.8 (2022), JCI = 0.45 (2022); percentile (quartile) 34% (Q3) in the Education & Educational Research category. Journal has been included to the “List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine" (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). "The rating of scientific journals of Ukraine" (“Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science”,the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. Google Scholar.

Collection of scientific papers "Information Technologies in Education". Founders: Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine; Kherson State University. Founded: 2008, 4 issues a year. "The rating of scientific journals of Ukraine" (“Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science”,the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. Google Scholar.

The Institute developed and implemented the Electronic Library of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, which was created on an open platform - EPrints. The results of scientific research by scientists in the educational field of Ukraine are placed on the site of the resource.

Training of highly qualified scientific personnel. Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies


Institute initiated the creation of a new scientific specialty - 13.00.10. ICT in Education in 2010 and for the first time in Ukraine was opened postgraduate and doctorate (2011) in this field. Specialized scientific council D 26.459.01 for defense of thesis for the degree of Doctor (candidate) Pedagogical Sciences works the Institute.Training is carried out according to the accredited educational and scientific program of doctors of philosophy "Information and communication technologies in education".

Since 2010, the Institute has launched a series of ongoing seminars to improve the quality of the process of training and certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel:

All-Ukrainian methodological seminar for young scientists "Information and communication technologies in education and scientific research" 

All-Ukrainian scientific and methodological seminar "Learning and education systems in a computer-oriented environment"

Training and educational activities in social networks


Supporting and sharing the principles of open scientific and educational environment, our institute is opened for cooperation and dissemination of research results which uses web resources and cloud services.

The Institute is represented in social networks: Group IITLT on Facebook, Page IITLT in LinkedIn . Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems of Education Informatization in Facebook, Department of Technologies of Open Learning Environment in Facebook, Department of Open Education and Scientific Information Systems in Facebook, Department Of Network Technologies and Databases in Facebook, Comparative Studies Department for Information and Education Innovations in Facebook.

, Група ІЦО у Facebook, Відділ хмаро орієнтованих систем інформатизації освіти у Facebook, Відділ комп’ютерно орієнтованих засобів навчання у Facebook, Відділ технологій відкритого навчального середовища у Facebook, Відділ відкритих освітньо-наукових інформаційних систем у Facebook, Відділ мережних технологій і баз даних у Facebook, Відділ компаративістики інформаційно-освітніх інновацій у Facebook, Відділ цифрової трансформації НАПН України у Facebook.