
Publishing activities in the Institute are carried out by means of Electronic and paper scientific professional journals. The Institute is initiator and active co-founder of which. To highlight the results of theoretical research and their implementation in educational practice there are journals, Including:

  • electronic scientific professional journal of the Institute " Information Technologies and Learning Tools" that is placed on the international contemporary publishing platform Open Journal Systems (jointly with SHEI “University of Educational Management” of the NAES of Ukraine, publication frequency: 6 issues per year), (http://journal.iitta.gov.ua/);
  • scientific and methodological journal "Computer in School and Family" (in cooperation with the Institute Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine, publication frequency: 8 issues per year), (https://csf221.wordpress.com/category/english/);
  • collection of scientific papers "Information Technologies in Education" (in cooperation with Kherson State University, publication frequency: 4 issues a year), (http://ite.kspu.edu/index.php/ite/).
  • Scientific and practical journal "Leader. Elite. Society "( in cooperation with the National Technical University" Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute "; O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy, publication frequency: 4 issues per year) (http://les.khpi.edu.ua/).
Within the NAES of Ukraine implementation for Information Institute introduced series of electronic educational resources supporting scientific psychological and educational research, in particular electronic library of the NAES of Ukraine; electronic journal " Information Technologies and Learning Tools" it has the highest citation index among domestic professional publications in the field of educational sciences; institutional system conference «EDU conference». These resources are directly supported up to date.