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Comparative Studies Department for Information and Education Innovations – is a methodological department of the research Institute, has been studying innovation in educational systems, performs semantic analysis of open information environment of education, public education systems, ICT tools, technologies and services, including specificity, efficiency and safety of the use of electronic educational resources.

The Department conducts comparative studies on ICT in education use, analyzes the general trends and monitoring processes of the creation and ICT business process expertise, informs the public about educational innovation in general secondary education; develops recommendations, determines the prospects for national education in the European and world educational environment.

The history of Comparative Studies Department for Information and Education Innovations was founded in 1994 as a part of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine as Ukrainian Innovation Center for Humanitarian Education as a separate department. The main objective of the center was to conduct research on innovative development of humanitarian education, training and methodological support of innovations in general secondary education, comparative analysis of education systems, international cooperation with educational institutions and international educational organizations abroad.

Initiators of the Centre creation and its’ heads were L.A.Golik (Ph.D.) and I.G.Taranenko (Ph.D.), senior researchers who were among the first in the Ukrainian scientists who started comparative educational studies in the modern sense in the sphere of education systems. For a long time in the Ukrainian Innovation Center for Humanitarian Education scientists has made significant contribution to the development of research and innovation in the education system. Among them G.V. Vaskivska, A.I. Globin, T.O. Hrabovska, E.S Spitsyn, O.V. Ovcharuk, V.M. Orzhehivskyy, O.S.Snisarenko and others.

The staff of the Centre initiated and developed the concept of civic education in Ukraine (http://library.kr.ua/women.html/pgovuindx.html), carried out the cooperation with the Council of Europe in Ukraine and the EU Delegation to Ukraine, UNDP, NGOs and research institutions.

In 2001, the Ukrainian Innovation Center for Humanitarian Education joined the Institute of Training Means of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (later the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES Ukraine, now the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine) as Information and Analytical Center for Pedagogical Innovations. In 2004, due to structural changes in the Institute, the name was changed to "Information and Analytical Department for Pedagogical Innovations." In 2015 it was reorganized in Comparative Studies Department for Information and Education Innovations.

During the years of the Department carried out scientific research from 2001 by such scholars as: O.O. Belous, O.O. Hrytsenchuk, A.M. Gurzhiy, U.V. Zaporozhchenko, I.V. Ivanyuk, O.E. Konevschynska, O.E. Kravchina, G.P. Lavrent'eva, M.P.Leshchenko, I.D. Malitska, N.V. Morze, O.V.Ovcharuk, L.N. Pasichnyk, S.I. Pozniak, D.B.Rozhdestvenska, N.V. Soroko, M.A. Shynenko, A.V. Yatsyshyn.

The staff of the department and has launched a newsletter, which highlights innovations in educational systems abroad, provides technical and editorial support of the electronic scientific specialized edition issue "Information Technologies in Education". Each year, the department conducts All-Ukrainian competition for students "Youth testing quality". In 2013 the Department initiated and concluded catalog of innovative educational projects and educational innovations. Department employees are members of the Ukrainian Association of Comparative Education and International Education.

Under the guidance of leading scientists of the department scholars defended dissertations on specialty 13.00.10 - Information Technologies in Education: I.V.Plish "Information and communication technology quality management education in secondary schools" (supervisor, O.V.Ovcharuk); I.I. Kapustyan "The development of computer-based training environment in continuous pedagogical education Sweden" (supervisor, Leshchenko MP) N.V. Soroko "The development of information and communication competence of teachers in terms of philology oriented computer environment" (supervisor, V.Y. Bykov); G.O. Protsenko "Designing the information space of an educational institution" (supervisor, Leshchenko MP).

During the last period of the department conducted a series of research works.

According to the State Program "Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Science" for 2006-2010 the Department staff has performed research "System of ICT competencies of students, teachers and principals of secondary schools to ensure regulatory and standardization of distance learning", which sets out the main results in teaching recommendations ”Fundamentals of standardization of information and communication competencies in education system of Ukraine”

Department publications: till 2014since 2015.