Comparative and International Education 2023: Horizons of Innovations

Comparative and International Education 2023: Horizons of Innovations
On May 25, 2023, the 7th annual international scientific and practical conference Comparative and International Education 2023: Horizons of Innovations was held. The event was organised by the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine in cooperation with educational institutions of Ukraine and European countries. The conference is a platform for discussing challenges and best practices in education in Ukraine, Europe and the world through the prism of cross-cultural comparisons. Researchers of the department of comparative information and educational innovations presented the results of their scientific research to the participants of the event.

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The National Research Fund of Ukraine Competitions

In December 2023, the Scientific Council of NRFU approved the terms of the competitions: "Research Infrastructures for Conducting Advanced Scientific Research", "Science for Strengthening the Defense Capability of Ukraine", "Advanced Science in Ukraine".
Project selection begins. The winners will receive grant support for conducting fundamental and practical scientific research for development of the national research space and its integration into the world research space.